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From the Alps
to the sea

Discover an infinite land

Territory and

Let yourself be surprised by a journey to discover a land where nature blends with history, the mountains become hills down to the sea, the paths take you to the heart of the adventure.

Immerse yourself in the uncontaminated nature and landscapes of Ventimiglia and its hinterland, among postcard scenarios and thousand-year-old stories.

Let yourself be enchanted by the lush vegetation of the valleys, where the Roya river meanders through the hills, creating a mosaic of natural habitats. Here olive groves and vineyards extend as far as the eye can see, telling the story of the close connection between man and this land.

Follow, backpack on your shoulder or on two wheels, the trails and routes that wind from the Maritime Alps to the sea, among the hilly hamlets where the air smells of olive trees and wild herbs and the landscape opens up into panoramic views that capture the pure essence of this land.

Come and get lost in a place where every glimpse is a story to live, between the seductive and worldly French Riviera and the lush Riviera dei Fiori.

Ventimiglia, with its natural landscapes, is an invitation to slow down, breathe and connect with nature in a profound and unique way


French Riviera

The French Riviera, with its unmistakable splendor, enchants with a symphony of colors and scents, between the turquoise of the…

Riviera dei Fiori

A 58-kilometer long journey of emotions to Ventimiglia

Valleys and surroundings

Immerse yourself in the enchanting setting of the valleys and the surroundings of the town, where nature and history intertwine…

Natural areas

Explore the regional natural park of the Ligurian Alps, an uncontaminated oasis of wild nature. Follow your passions on the…